$40,000 Auberry, Look at this 2.7 acres with lots of pine trees and in Auberry, California

Auberry, Look at this 2.7 acres with lots of pine trees and
Price: $40
Type: Houses for sale
State: California  City: Auberry  Category: Houses for sale
Houses for sale in California
This ad is older than 2 months.
View similar ads: Houses for sale, Houses for sale in California

Look at this 2.7 acres with lots of pine trees and usable terrain. In addition to the beauty of this parcel, it is accessed by 5 roads in the Meadow Lakes Subdivision! Merriman, Corlew, Robles, Chipmunk & Puma all dead-end into this recently surveyed property. Power and phone are very close. Water may be available.
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