0 Jose Basin Auberry, CA 93602 in Auberry, California

Price: $39,000
Type: Land
State: California  City: Auberry  Zip code: 93602 Category: Land
Land in California
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This property has not been assigned an apn # but the following legal description was used at the last transfer. An older home of little of no value is reported to be on the property. An undivided 52/54 interest in and to the West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the South East1/4 of the Northeast quarter of Section 22, Township 9 South, Range 23 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, according to the Official Plat thereof.
Bedrooms: 0
Full Bathrooms: 0
Half Bathrooms: 0
Lot Size: 0 acres
Type: Land
County: Fresno
Year Built: 0
Status: Active
Subdivision: --
Area: --
Utilities: None; None; None
Status: Active
Acreage: 5
Exterior Feature: None
School District: Sierra
Elementary School: Foothill
Middle School:Foothill
High School:Sierra